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"Geologists have a saying: rocks remember" - Neil Armstrong
I am a Geologist. My research interests are Petrology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geodynamics, Environmental Geochemistry.
My PhD research focused on investigating the petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of magmatic rocks within the Çangaldağ Metamorphic Complex (Central Pontide - Turkey), which helped decipher the tectono-magmatic history within Turkey and Black Sea region during the mid-Jurassic.
My postdoctoral research focused on deciphering the chemical and isotopic evolution of Earth's upper mantle by focusing on investigating the stable (C, O, and B) and radiogenic (Nd, Pb, Sr, and U-Pb) isotope signatures of carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks from China, Canada and Turkey
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